The sinking of the Moskva

Ukraine sank the flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet. In Moscow prefer to say that the warship was manned by incompetents who blew up their own ammunition depot.  They never recognize the resistance of an undervalued enemy.


Russian navy has confirmed the sinking of the cruiser Moskva. The flagship of the Black Sea fleet, the oldest and most prestigious of the Russian naval forces.

Ukraine’s Defense Minister reported that two Neptune missiles hit the powerful Russian warship. Missiles was launch from Odessa during a storm. Weather conditions difficult Moskva’s navigation in addition to a brilliant diversion maneuver for the powerful anti-aircraft radars of the ship with a drone. Ukrainians support this version with videos.

In Moscow they prefer another version

According to the Russians, the Moskva is breeding coral and barnacles on the floor of the Black Sea due to a fire caused in one of her ammunition depots. For the Kremlin, the crew of the flagship of its most important fleet, which is therefore the most select of all Russian naval personnel and which, as if that were not enough, has extensive combat experience, was, in other words, fewer words; a bunch of incompetent idiots.

For Kremlin, it is better look like stupids than recognize the beating that an enemy they considered inferior is giving them. Militarily, Russia loses half of its firepower in the maritime theater of this war. Many of the missiles destroyed by Ukraine were fired from the Moskva platforms and the cover that the artillery of its batteries must give to the occupying ground forces is fundamental.

The worst thing for the Russian admiralty is that they cannot replace the Moskva with one of her brothers from the North Sea or Baltic fleets; Türkiye, a member of NATO. has closed the Bosphorus Strait, the gateway to the Black Sea, to Russian military traffic. If Putin orders another battlecruiser to join hostilities, she will have to do so by force, confronting NATO.

For Ukraine, in the midst of the destruction and suffering of its people from the repugnant crimes perpetrated by Russian troops, this is a great military feat. Without having a war fleet, they have neutralized the enemy’s main maritime weapon, but, above all, they have achieved a great moral triumph that will only strengthen the spirit of resistance of the Ukrainians.

The Ukrainians have given a resounding slap to Russian arrogance and bloodlust, whose ships will no longer be able to navigate the Black Sea so badly.




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